Journal of Research & Opinion peer-reviewed open access journal

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Can Hierarchy Be Eliminated?. Journal of Research and Opinion [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];8(1):2836-42. Available from:
  • Articles
  • Submited: February 12, 2021
  • Published: January 30, 2021


Hierarchy provides context for complex interpersonal relationshipand useful controlsinan organizational structure. There aremany inherent conflicts between organizational structure, theory, and designwhich require a level of order and guidance from senior management. Therefore, management-based control and monitoring systems,when implemented properly,assist in the decision-making process and increase organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Job descriptions,accountability reviews and promotion decisions should be based on the need to delineate decision-making authority and responsibility in a merit-based hierarchy.


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How to Cite
Can Hierarchy Be Eliminated?. Journal of Research and Opinion [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];8(1):2836-42. Available from:

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