Journal of Research & Opinion peer-reviewed open access journal

The Role of Familiarity, Trust And Awareness Towards Online Fraud

Afzal Izzaz Zahari
Accounting Research Institute, University Technology MARA Shah Alam, Malaysia
Redvin Bilu
Accounting Research Institute, University Technology MARA Shah Alam, Malaysia
Jamaliah Said
Accounting Research Institute, University Technology MARA Shah Alam, Malaysia

How to Cite

The Role of Familiarity, Trust And Awareness Towards Online Fraud. Journal of Research and Opinion [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];6(9):2470-8. Available from:
  • Articles
  • Submited: October 31, 2019
  • Published: September 30, 2019


The financial loss due to e-commerce fraud in Malaysia has been increasing from the year 2007 to 2012. Online business and consumers are vulnerable towards online fraud due to the increased amount of usage on online transactions. The study aims to investigate the factors that contribute towards online purchases from the experience of online fraud victims. Factors examined include trust, familiarity and awareness towards online products of which a semi structured interview was designed based on these factors. The qualitative study analyses experience of online fraud victims in order to gain insight to individual behaviour and determine the reason why they are induced in making the online purchase. The samples used in this study are the online fraud victims of E-commerce. Through seven phone interviews of online fraud victims, the study conclude that people with higher levels of familiarity, confidence and trust seems to have higher levels of trustworthiness to e-commerce. The awareness of the surroundings on the other hand does not affect people’s inclination to purchase. The main contribution of this study is from an observation on cybercrime when globalisation of the Internet is rapidly moving forward.


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How to Cite
The Role of Familiarity, Trust And Awareness Towards Online Fraud. Journal of Research and Opinion [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];6(9):2470-8. Available from:

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