Journal of Research & Opinion peer-reviewed open access journal

Sajeeb Wazed – The Genius Harvardian: Bangladesh Is Ready To Roll Down The Red Carpet To Welcome Our New Leader With Delightful Joy

Dr. Sheikh Mahabub Alam
Director of Technical Operations. Australasian Water and Environmental Services (AWES) Pty. Ltd. Sydney, NSW Australia

How to Cite

Sajeeb Wazed – The Genius Harvardian: Bangladesh Is Ready To Roll Down The Red Carpet To Welcome Our New Leader With Delightful Joy. Journal of Research and Opinion [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];6(7):2337-68. Available from:
  • Articles
  • Submited: October 31, 2019
  • Published: July 30, 2019


Bangabandhu created Bangladesh. In the land of rivers the helm is tightly held by Desh Ratna and the acceleration is controlled by Sajeeb Wazed Joy the geneus Harvardian since 21 August 2004 when Sheikh Hasina was miraculously saved by her body guards and well-wishers from the deadliest grenade attack in the political history. After the incident Sajeeb Wazed played a dual role: firstly, he protected his mother at all time and secondly, he devoted his talent to made unparallel contribution towards the digtization of Bangladesh. The architect of digitization gained worldwide endorsement and praise including US president Barak Obama and got the reward from world organization to become among the top 250 young global leaders. The duo (mother and son) is making a five star development of the country and commended by the entire world. The World Bank that was previously critical to Bangladesh government is now happily endorsing the government and declared that Bangladesh is among the five fastest growing economies in the world. Harvard is one of the best university on the universe and talented Sajeeb Wazed Joy is trained by that institution. With mother leadership and son’s expertise the country is rapidly progressing towards the path of economic prosperity. The performance of the dual leadership is amazingly watched by the global leaders and world community has rated Bangadesh economy as a “Shining Star” among the next Eleven Economy of the world. Current GDP growth is 7.9% and the infrastructral and industrial revolution in connection with the Completion of “Padma Bridge” by the end of December 2020 the experts believes that the growth rate will climb to double digit and the country will make anothet rcord of achieving “Developed Economy Status” sooner than predicted. Joy explained that his motehr has set a rare example to the world by showing humanity at its best through the opening the door for >1 million refuges from Myanmar being a small coutry with limited resources when the most powerful and richest nations in the world has turned a blind eye. Bangabandhu blood and his offsprings never bow down or compromise with anything that is unjust, unfair, wrong and they proved it again with evidence that the World Bank report was misleading in connection with “Padma Bridge”. Sheikh Hasina and Sajeeb Wazed took the biggest challege of their life and refused the World Bank finance and instead decided to Build “Padma Multipupose Bridge Project” with ountry’s own funds and resources and made history. Sajeeb Wazed Joy is a miracle baby blessed, predicted and named by his grandfather. He was born in prison and Paksitan and their agents made several attempts to kill them but were miraculously saved. At the age of 4 years Sajeeb Wazed saved himself and his mother by forcing her to take him to Germany just two weeks before the assasination of Bangabandhu and his exrended family on 15 August 1975. Banganadhu sensed the freedom and he symbolically named his first granson as ‘Joy” (victory). Bangladesh got the freedom and the nation wellcomed the birth of Joy. Sajeeb Wazed brought the victory for the country and the world famous Harvardian is ready to govern Bangladesh to elevate the status towards a developed nation.


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How to Cite
Sajeeb Wazed – The Genius Harvardian: Bangladesh Is Ready To Roll Down The Red Carpet To Welcome Our New Leader With Delightful Joy. Journal of Research and Opinion [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];6(7):2337-68. Available from:

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